Monday, May 3, 2010

He's Near

The surgery was successful on Friday. Thank you so very much for your thoughts, prayers and kind words. The next six weeks will have me undergoing physical therapy, so I'll have some blogging challenges. Last week I was going through some ancient writings and found a poem I wrote called He's Near. It's a rather crude attempt at expressing a poetic thought but I hope you extend me a little grace. It's just my way of saying, "Thank You".

I never will forget that day
I sat there in my home
Hands that held a tear-stained face
I felt so all alone
Grief and fear surrounded me
I wondered what to do
And then I heard a still small voice
With words of something new

Repent, believe in Jesus Christ
It’s now the harvest year
Seek the Lord
While He can be found
Call Him
While He’s near

Whenever I face troubles
I have no need to fear
He never will forsake me
That’s why I know He’s near

In the midst of all my troubles
I’m overwhelmed by fear
Christ sends me calm assurance
Affirming that He’s near

Though cloudy skies loom overhead
And thunder strikes with fear
Christ sends His lasting peace to me
I’ll ever know He’s near

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Back in the Day -- Walk Around Heaven

As I continued to explore the sounds of Christian music I was fortunate enough to meet a music promoter who earlier performed with the Mighty Clouds of Joy. It was educational to learn about the behind the scenes work of concert promoting and meeting Christian artists. One of the more popular groups back in the day was definitely The Mighty Clouds of Joy.

One of these mornings it won't be long
You'll look for me and i'll be gone
I'm going to a place i'll have nothing to do
But just walk around, walk around heaven all day

When i get to heaven, i'll sing and shout
Nobody will be able, to put me out
My mother will be waiting
And my father too
We'll walk around, walk around heaven all day

Lyrics by Cassietta George

Mighty Clouds of Joy -- Walk Around Heaven