The holidays have passed and we've ushered in a new year. For many 2013 will bring about change. Change can mean something far different to each of us but we all hope our individual change is for the better. I remember hearing Edwin Louis Cole once say: “Everything is subject to change.” It's so true; change affects every one of us. I mentioned to someone that in the stock market, for everyone who wins on a trade, someone else must lose. There is a kind of counter balance that prevents things from tipping too far in one direction. Plants exchange CO2 for oxygen while we exchange oxygen for CO2. Some may believe that they cannot change, they are too old to change or it's too late to change. Some will oppose change, criticize change or blame change. Why are we so resistant to change? Sometimes we're aware of coming changes, and then there are those times when change comes as a complete surprise. As a people, the Jews were enslaved in Egypt and cried out for change. Yet, when God secured their freedom from slavery, they blamed Him for their inability to change. They came to believe that it would be better to go back to Egypt and be slaves! There is irony in this as well as a lesson for those of us praying for change: Learn to embrace change. Paul wrote, “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." and "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation” (Philippians 4:11-12, NIV) What was the secret of being content? Paul learned that he was incapable of handling changing circumstances and situations; he learned the value of depending on Christ. “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13, NIV) Let's consider this for a moment. To be content is to be satisfied, happy, pleased or gratified. It is the exact opposite of dissatisfied, unhappy, displeased or ungratified. You walk into the store select the items you want to purchase, go to the counter and immediately you become displeased because the line is too long. Is it so much harder to thank God that you have the means to purchase what you selected? Let’s use this New Year to embrace the goodness of God and to be content with the blessings we have because of His love for us. |
A Note of Thanks: I would just like to say that I appreciate each of you who visit My Thought-filled Journey. Taking time out of your schedule to read a post on this blog is encouraging to me. Many of those who visit, will from time to time leave a comment. Whether a comment is left is not important. What is important, is that you came. I do hope you find encouragement and inspiration in these words. Please know I will pray with you regarding any circumstance you may be facing. Feel free to write me to say "Hello", request prayer, or share what God is doing in your life. I have not said it enough, but thank you for the light of Chist in your life which illuminates the way for us all.
Note: This post is linked to Spiritual Sundays (hosted by Charlotte). | ![]() |
Isn't it good to know he works everything together for good in our lives, even those changes we may not want? thanks for your encouragement to trust him. He is good.
I understand that change is a deep, lasting process and it rarely happens overnight. There are no shortcuts. What I need is a spiritual transformation. I don’t want to stay where I am because the circumstances have changed. They require all my discipline, faith and intimate relationship with God. How to achieve that? Maybe waiting in a long line or simply smiling and thanking God for a new day! Thank you, MTJ, for teaching me to “push” and “pull” the door of change in right direction.
Change is sometimes good, often not! We DO resist it, don't we? It's almost inbred, I believe, to resist change. We are creatures of habit...of "comfort" (even when it might not be so comfortable, it's known, not new). What I've come to realize this past month in losing my job is to ask, "Ok, Lord...what is it you're wanting to teach me?" Part of the answer, I'm finding, is simply to draw me closer. That's always something we do, too, unfortunately...we get away from Him. Change is perhaps His allowing it as a way of calling us back because He misses us. I know I have missed this time. I'm trying to rectify that!
Good to read your posts again, MTJ!
Hugs ~ Merana
I always enjoy your posts...just wanted to let you know! God bless you and your writing in the new year!
just wanted to let you know that your words are always inspiring and thought-provoking. I found this a particularly interesting post, as I made a very big change this year - moving after 29 years living in Southern California to a small mountain town. I am learning how to adjust to changes, and asking God to teach me how to be content with my new life.
Hope you had wonderful holiday, and wishing you God's richest blessings in 2013!
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