Friday, October 19, 2012

What Do Your Eyes See?

Note:I have been on an extended break, waiting until I once again had something worthwhile to say. I visited Paris in the Spring, and thoroughly enjoyed it (to my surprise). During the summer, I worked tirelessly and accepted a new position with excitement and anticipation. This fall, I lost my home to forecloseure and although I didn't want it to happen, I have peace regarding this outcome. The memories will remain forever etched in my mind (unless I succumb to Alzheimer's, ha ha). Over the years, I've lost loved ones, I've lost friends, losing a thing is not as bad. As the season ebbs from fall to winter, I feel a sense of anticipation and excitement. I think it's easy to fall victim to feeling forsaken and alone, but God faithfully reminds me that He extends grace in such an unbelievable measure to His children. All I can say is that God is really quite awesome. I hope you are blessed by this poem I've written in praise to God.

A boy looks upward towards a clear blue sky.
He sees a few white fluffy clouds but,
    something convinces him that God is there.
His words are the words of a child, but...
    they are bolstered by conviction.
He doesn’t know how, but he believes he can.
There is no hesitation in his voice.
I will never leave my children

What causes a boy to make such a bold promise?
How can he see so far ahead on the journey of his life?
Would he forget those words over the years?

At the time he didn’t know the promise of God…
    “I will never leave you nor forsake you."
He didn’t know God…He couldn’t even see God’s promise,
    yet, he knew God would hear him.
It was something innate that gave him that assurance.
    But God saw him…
    God heard him…
    God smiled on him.
    God extended grace to him.

Any male can father a child,
    but God honors a man...
    when his children call him, “Daddy”.
It’s the only name they know him by.
They’ve grown up before his eyes...
    with families of their own…
    yet they still call him, “Daddy”.

Over the years, he has seen many things,
    but what he sees now,
    even with the poorest of vision…
    is God’s grace.
He sees how God’s lavishes His love upon all life.
His eyes have seen joy and pain…
Good times and sad times…
    victory and defeat…
    inspiration and discouragement…
    he has seen many things over the years…
    yet what he sees woven through all of it is grace.
He sees God’s grace.

What do you see when you look at your life?
You’re not that innocent little child anymore…
    What caused you to look to the heavens that first time?
    Though He is invisible,
    do you recognize His presence?

    What do your eyes see today?
    Do you see grace?

Poem by MTJ

Spiritual Sunday'sNote: This post is linked to Spiritual Sundays (hosted by Charlotte).