Friday, March 9, 2012

Welcome Spring

Welcome Spring
Jesus is The Welcome Spring

Like a welcome spring breeze…
    you came into my life and rescued me.
What a rescue!
You said, “Behold, I come”...
    and You did.
You sheltered me from the cold winter…
    and warmed me with Your love.
You nurtured me with grace…
    and sustained me with salvation.
Daily, You watch over me…
    ordering my steps,
    even when I fall.
You are my welcome spring.

You are like the river that flows...
    a strong current to carry me.
You secure me!
You said, "...whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst."
When I thirst, you fill my cup...
    until it overflows with joy and gladness.
You are my oasis...
    in the hot arid regions of my life.
Your gifts are beyond measure...
    Your immeasurable love amazes me.
    You are life springing from the dead.
    my roots stretch forth to drink from you.
You are my welcome spring.

Note: This post is linked to Spiritual Sundays (hosted by Charlotte).Spiritual Sunday's


Audrey said...

Jesus is our Spring! Thank you for sharing.

Charlotte said...

This poem is beautiful as is the photo. Thanks for sharing.

Charlotte said...

Beautiful photograph and very nice poem.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

This poem is Wonderful

Susan said...

Lovely poem and reminder.