"All the Israelites grumbled against Moses and Aaron, and the whole assembly said to them, “If only we had died in Egypt! Or in this wilderness!" (Numbers 14:2, NIV)
As I read through the Old Testament, I am always struck by the lack of faith the Israelites failed to demonstrate despite the miracles God demonstrated in their lives as they wandered through the desert for forty years. I find myself asking the question (again and again): How could they not trust the God who delivered them from slavery? What was it that robbed them of faithfully trusting God’s promises, miracles and commands? The obvious answer is that they lacked faith in God. They never determined to trust in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. How does their life (God’s chosen people Israel) contrast with the lives of Christians today? God delivered them with miracles, signs and wonders from Egyptian slavery, parted the Red Sea and enabled them to walk through it on dry land, fed them with manna from heaven, and quenched their thirst with water from a rock. Still, they didn’t trust this same God who said He gave to them a land flowing with milk and honey. They were afraid of the inhabitants who occupied the land. They constantly said they were better off in Egypt. In America, Christians go to church on Sunday where they are reminded of the grace, mercy and love God has for them. Regardless of the level of their spiritual maturity, their motivation, traditions or habits, Christians gather together in the presence of Almighty God. When we exit the doors of our local churches, what becomes of our attitudes toward God, toward fellow Christians, toward others not part of our church? The Old Testament Jews were not gifted with the Holy Spirit in their life as New Testament Christian believers. Christians don’t require signs and wonders to know God is faithful to His promises. Christians are told that we are all sinners, that there is none righteous, not even one. Christians know that no one can stand before the presence of God on their own merit and be justified. It takes the redemptive work of Jesus Christ to justify anyone before the judgment of God. So Christians have no reason to grumble, complain, quarrel, or lack true faith! I am grieved when I hear Christians complain. I am just as grieved when I hear some of the words that have been uttered from my lips. Despite my grief, it cannot compare to the sadness our words produce when they echo in the heavens before God. When I look back at my life, I can clearly see how it was the grace of God which carried me through each and every trial I faced. When I hear the words, Jehovah-Jireh, I know God is my provider. God provides! I know that the grace of God carries me throughout the days of my life, so while I am tempted to complain and grumble, I must refrain. I have determined to trust the outcome of my day to the providence of God’s amazing grace. When I hear others speak of how good they had it before, I won’t complain. When I hear others speak of how terrible the United States is, I won’t complain. When others rail against political leaders, I won’t complain. When religious leaders are exposed for immoral conduct, I won’t complain. I will pray. I will remember that I am not worthy of the many blessings God has showered in my life. I will remember that God has been merciful to me when by all accounts, I deserved no mercy. I will remember that God loved me when I myself did not love Him. I will thank God for His infinite love which He gives to all. I will pray. God said, “This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.” (Hebrews 10:16, NIV) I will embrace the covenant of God because He has written His words in my heart. I will remember the word of God says, “For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.” (1 Corinthians 6:20, NASB) My life is not my own, I belong to God. Because of this I am not conforming to this world I live in, I am being transformed as God has said, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2, NASB) I will pray that each day, my life is being transformed into a truer reflection of Jesus Christ. My thoughts, words, behavior and life reflect Jesus not the man I once was. What will you do today? MTJ |
![]() | Note: This post is linked to Spiritual Sundays (hosted by Charlotte). |
Thanks for sharing your heart on this topic today. Cultivating a heart of thankfulness is important -- it's so easy to let this fallen world impact our perspective on things.
A thankful heart...that is my prayer too. I have been dealing with significant health issues and my mind can quickly become distracted from God's promises. He is God, forever good, forever faithful, even when the healing doesn't come...Thanks for your encouraging words.
Lyli: I agree. It's quite easy to become disillusioned by the effect of events which transpire in our life and those around us, but God is ever faithful, gracious and merciful. I thank Him for all His goodness. Sending blessings to you and family.
Anita Johnson: It's good to hear from you sister. I join you in praying for your recovery and healing. Sending blessings and love to you and family from a friend.
What will I do? All blessings will come if I let God to love me: a stronger faith, victory over sin, healing, prosperity and joy. The reason why I sometimes lack faith is that I do not believe fully that God really wants to give them to me. I know: faith works when I allow God to love me. I know, God loves me, I want to be a person who is constantly faithful - in my spirit, in my heart, in my everyday actions.
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